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作者:      发布日期:2015-04-13     浏览:


全体外国留学生/DEAR ALL:
根据《关于做好2015-2016学年中国政府奖学金来华留学生招生和有关工作的通知》(留金来[2015]4026号)精神,为加强外国留学生培养管理,现将我校2015年外国留学生年度评审工作通知如下:In accordance with the relevant requirements from China Scholarship Council, to reinforce the management of international students, the following measures are formulated specifically to carry out review of all international students Status in Northwest A&F University.
全体学历外国留学生生,包括2014级外国留学生和申请延期的中国政府奖学金生。本学期将毕业和处于休学状态的留学生免于评审All current international students studying in NWSUAF including students of 2014 batch and students who have applied for an extended study period must go through the review; students who will graduate in this semester and students under suspension are exempted.
二、评审细则/Review Details
1.评审内容。外国留学生年度评审是一项以学年为时间限度的综合评审工作。评审内容包括出勤率和课堂表现、日常表现、参加学校活动和考试成绩、奖惩情况等The Annual review is a comprehensive evaluation on international students; the details of Annual Review include Class attendance and performance, daily conduct, relevant university activities and score of courses.
2.评审分值。各部分考核内容所占分值比例为出勤率和课堂表现10%,日常表现20%,参与学校相关活动10%,考试成绩Class attendance and performance accounts for 10%, daily conduct 20%, participation in the related university activities 10%; scores of courses accounts for 60%.
3.计算公式。评审综合得分=出勤分+日常表现分+参与相关活动分+考试成绩分Overall score of Annual Review =score of class attendance+ score of daily conduct + score of participation in relevant university activities +score of courses
1.学生自评。专业学习阶段留学生到专业学院领取评审表格,汉语学习期留学生到国际学院办公室领取评审表格。中国政府奖学金生领取《中国政府奖学金年度评审表》和《西北农林科技大学外国留学生年度评审意见表》(以下简称评审意见表),其他留学生仅填报评审意见表。4月15日前将填写完基本信息的表格与个人年度学习总结等参评材料报送相应办公室Those students under major study should get "Chinese Government Scholarship Review Form”(only for CSC student) and “The Review Comments form” from the graduate office of your major college, Students under Chinese language studying get the forms from CIE office. Fill out the forms correctly and carry out the self-assessment procedures, and then submit these two forms and other documents the offices where you got the materials before 15 April.
2.学院初审。各专业学院组织外国留学生导师及外国留学生教育教学管理工作人员开展本单位外国留学生的评审工作,4月28日前将评审结果报告等材料以专业学院为单位统一报送国际学院After getting all materials from College of International Education before 20 April, Related Major colleges organize the review meeting attended by all supervisors and relevant management staff to review these international students’ comprehensive performance, and report the result with all review forms and comments to College of International Education before April 28.
3.学校评审。学校外国留学生年度评审委员会对本年度接受评审的外国留学生进行最终评审,并于5月10日前将中国政府奖学金生的评审结果报国家留学基金委The Review Committee of NWSUAF will do the last review, and send the reports and the name-list of the scholarship students who have passed and failed in the Annual Review to CSC before May 10.
4.结果公布。学校将通过多种途径,公布经国家留学基金委批准的评审结果Through multiple channels, the results of all international students who have attended the review will be informed in written form after approval by CSC. 
1.报送要求。汉语补习期间外国留学生由国际学院负责初审,专业学习阶段外国留学生由所在专业学院负责初审,不得延报,迟报,误报、漏报材料Students under Chinese language study period would be reviewed by College of International Education; Major College takes in charge of other students’ review. Please complete this procedure in conformity to the time and requirements; otherwise the International student themselves should take full responsibility.
2.填写须知。仅填写个人基本信息和2014-2015学年各方面的表现情况,如实填写,不得代填,不得弄虚作假。个人总结可以另附打印页说明,其他获奖证书、参会证明、成绩单等可另行附加复印页提交International Students just finish the column about personal informations and summary of study and conduct in the past year in the two forms. Every student must fill these forms personally; the one missing the annual review will lose the scholarship. One printed copy of summary, copy of certificates, publications, conference papers and the stamped transcript could be enclosed.
3.评审标准。评审实施百分制量化标准,90-100分为优,80-89分为良,70-79分为中、60-69分及格,60分以下为不及格;不参加评审和评审不及格的外国留学生将丧失继续获得中国政府奖学金生的资格The specific quantization standard for Annual Review of Scholarship is set with the total score being 100. Those CSC students who get less than 60 points are failed and will lose the Chinese government scholarship.

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                                            2015年4月13日April 13, 2015

版权所有 西北农林科技大学国际学院