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How to Apply

Author:    Date:2022-11-01      Read:


Application Procedure(Application for self-supporting,apply for scholarships see below)

1. Apply on the application platform and upload all required materials

2. Submit the application form and support documents to Office of Admissions of CIE.

3. Eligibility reviewed by CIE

4. Issue of Admission Notice

Applicants who are qualified and approved by the Evaluation Committee of NWAFU will be issued Admission Notice and Visa Application for Study in China.

Application for Chinese Government Scholarship

1. Apply for programs under Chinese Government Scholarship(CSC),Please visit:

2. Register on the website and apply(Agency Number10712;Program Type B).

3. Print 2 application forms and send the hard copy to CIE.

4. More details about Chinese Government Scholarship

Application for APFNet Scholarship

1. Contact a Potential supervisor for acceptance letter.

2. Apply on the application platform and upload all required materials(APFNet Scholarship are in the category of Northwest A & F University Scholarship).Please apply on the platform and upload the relevant attachments

3. More details about APFNet Scholarship