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作者:    发布日期:2018-04-29     浏览:


全体留学生Dear all:
随着杨凌示范区城市基础设施建设的推进,我校校园基础设施也逐步完善。按照杨凌示范区的统一部署,为加强校园交通安全管理,营造良好的校园交通秩序,确保全体留学生的安全,现就校园交通综合治理有关事项通知如下:With the promotion of the infrastructure construction of Yangling, our campus’ infrastructure is also improving. To strengthen the campus transportation safety management, in line with the Universitys safe campus requirements which is applied to all the staff and students of the whole campus, now the details about transportation safety management are as follows:
1.从5月1日起,所有进入校园的车辆都必须申请校园准入许可证;4月开始到学校保卫处(Office 108) 办理校园准入许可证,请携带摩托车行驶证和驾驶证(有国际驾照或者国内驾照的学生只需提供国际驾照或国内驾照的复印件))办理许可证,持许可证方可进入校园from 1 May, all the vehicle entering the campus should hold a Campus Entrance Permission. From April  international students should take vehicle license, license plate and driving license (or the copy of international or national driving license) to apply for a Campus Permission from Office 108 in the Department of Campus Security in red building, only with which the motorbike is allowed in campus.
2.凡未上牌上照的摩托车必须立即依法上牌,未办理行驶证的摩托车必须立即办理行驶证,没有资格办理校园准入许可证的摩托车,学校将在2018年5月1日起禁止进入校园,由学校没收,集体公开拍卖并将拍卖所得交还学生;All motorbikes should immediately apply for legal license plates and vehicle license. From 1/5/2018 if a vehicle is found on campus without Campus Entrance Permission, or legal license plate or vehicle license, it would be forbidden going into campus。 The motorbikes not able to apply for Campus Entrance Permission will be confiscated and put out for bidding by the Department of Campus Security, and the proceeds from the auction will be returned to the international students themselves.
3.没有摩托车行驶证的留学生,请携带摩托车合格证、购买摩托车时开具的发票和护照去交警队办理international international studentss without vehicle license should apply for it from the Yangling Transportation Division: take motorbike certificate, the purchase invoice and passport .
4.没有摩托车驾照的留学生,请携带护照到交警队填写体检表,按照规定程序办理。international international studentss without national or international driving license should apply for Yangling local driving license: take your passport to Yangling Transportation Division and filling Health Test Form there.
如有问题,请及时和我们联系If any question, please feel free to contact us.
备注:杨凌交警队在原办理居留许可的杨凌公安局旁边Yangling Transportation Division is beside the old Yangling Public Security Bureau.

2018年4月29日April 29, 2018

版权所有 西北农林科技大学国际学院