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作者:    发布日期:2018-07-18     浏览:


假期安全注意事项Security tips

1.严格履行外出请销假制度,外出杨凌须履行外出请假登记手续,及时报告辅导员老师行程安排和紧急联系电话,按时返校后及时到辅导员处销假;禁止外国留学生擅自离校。Once you leave Yang Ling, please report to the teacher on duty and fill the form Ask for Leave; it is not allowed to leave without approval.

2.遵守公寓生活准则和生活秩序。严格遵守门禁制度,不无故晚归,不在宿舍喧哗吵闹,影响他人生活和学习;不留宿外来人员;不得在宿舍内吸烟,不随意丢弃烟头Comply with the regulations of student dormitory. Dont come back to your room after scheduled time; dont disturb others normal life; dont bring people other than those of CIE to stay overnight; avoid smoking in your rooms; should not dispose the cigarette ends at will.

3.遵守宗教有关管理规定。校园内禁止从事任何宗教活动,严禁在校园内组织或者举办集体宗教活动,不要参加他人私自在校外组织的宗教集会或者宗教活动,也不要接收与宗教有关的宣传资料和音像制品,更不能传教、讲经。In China it is prohibited to organize or participate in any superstitious or religious activities in the campus, and prohibited to propaganda and deliver any superstitious or religious missionary work in campus.

个人宗教活动必须在中国法律法规规定的场所内进行,不得在实验室、活动室、教室、自习室、图书馆等以外场所从事个人宗教活动;严禁在QQ、微信等新媒体上发布与宗教有关的信息,更不能宣传推广宗教知识。It is not allowed to post and preach the information and messages related to superstition and religion promotion on media platform like QQ and Wechat. Don't accept religious influence products and publicity material, shall not organize or participate in other personnel’s holding of religious activities or preach.

4.加强宿舍安全。合理使用空调、冰箱等公共设施设备,不得在宿舍乱拉电线,不乱接电源,不得使用小太阳、电加热暖气、电热毯等大功率取暖设备;尽量避免在宿舍房间做饭,在公共厨房做饭完毕及时拔掉电源插头;长时间外出时关闭门窗和水源、电源开关。It is not allowed to use heating fan, electric radiator, heating blanket and other heating appliance which may overload the electric power system so as to increase the risk of fire; increases the security awareness of fire and electricity. It is not allowed to pull electrical wiring by yourselves in the dormitory; try not to cook in your room, don't use high power appliances; When going out for a long time close windows and switch off water and power; unplug the charger of the appliances after cooking;

并教育并引导家属共同做好宿舍安全工作,禁止陪读家属孩童接触电源、电器和各类标示标志;不在宿舍使用明火,不点蜡烛;不挪用或得损坏消防器材,不堵塞消防通道,遇如紧急情况及时拨打119火警电话并报告老师 Do not open flame and no candles lighted; keep children away from playing with fire and electricity; shall not damage fire facilities, dont use fire extinguishing equipment without authorization.

5.营造健康生活氛围。共同做好公寓公共卫生维护和宿舍个人卫生清洁打扫,保持通风;学习流感、艾滋病、疟疾等传染病预防基本知识,做好身体状况自我监测,做到早发现早治疗,避免传染疾病;积极参加体育锻炼,切实提高身体的抵抗力;遇如紧急情况及时拨打120救急电话并报告老师Maintain public health clean and personal hygiene in your room, keep ventilation to avoid infection disease. Actively participate and learn AIDSmalaria and other infectious disease prevention propaganda, ensure early detection and early treatment. Any emergency pls contact with College of International Education immediately.

6.遵守交通安全相关规定。及时办理行驶证和驾照,不超速行驶、不酒后驾车、不飙车;并按照要求停放摩托车和电动车;校园内不得有鸣笛、搭载多人等不文明现象;校园内限速20公里,请务必遵守限速规定,并主动接受警察和相关管理人员的检查。Comply with rules and regulations of the campus traffic management, do not over speeding, drunk driving, drag racing; drive vehicles with official license and plates; Parking motorcycles as required.

7.加强人身财产安全意识。外出旅游时避免前往人多拥挤的地方和景点,外出看管好自己的财务,尤其是钱包、手机、护照; 深夜不要单独在外闲逛,尤其女生夜晚外出应提高警惕Pay attention to your travel security and dietetic hygiene; dont visit the crowded places and dangerous tourist attractionswhen you are out, pls take care of your wallet, cell phone and passport; Don’t go out alone at night, especially for single female student.

8.提高食品安全意识。不在小摊小贩处用餐,不在非正规餐馆用餐;购买食用商品时注意查看保质期When you are eating outside of campus, pls raise the awareness of food safety. Dont eat at the vendor stand and restaurant without license; when buying food remember to check the expiry date. 

9.注重实验安全。在实验室做实验过程中,严格遵照实验设备的正规操作办法和流程,遵循导师对实验操作的要求和指导,标准化操作实验过程,做好保护措施、提高安全防范意识Raise the awareness of experiment safety. During the experiment, pls follow the instructions and procedures of the lab equipment, obey the requirements and guidance of your supervisors and operate the experiments in standardized directions; make precautions and raise safety awareness.


假期有任何问题,请及时与我们保持联系pls feel free to contact us during the vacation.

联系人:庞老师  Ms. pang  Ms. Cao 15991745288


                                                          国际学院CIE   2018.7.18


版权所有 西北农林科技大学国际学院