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关于 2019 年暑期有关工作安排的通知

作者:    发布日期:2019-07-14     浏览:


Notice on Summer Vacation Arrangement, 2019

全体外国留学生 DEAR ALL:
根据学校《关于 2019 年暑期放假有关事项的通知》,现将外国留学生 2019 年暑期放假的有 关 工 作 安 排 通 知 如 下 : According to the University notice on 2019 summer vacation, the arrangements for the summer vacation are notified as follows.
一、放假安排 Holiday Arrangement
1. 时间 time:7 月 13 日至 9 月 8 日,9 月 9 日(星期一)正式上课
From July 13 to September 8. New semester starts on September 9.
2. 外出请假 Leaving request:假期回国或外出的外国留学生,请于 7 月 12 日前在国际学院办理请假手续,返校后及时办理销假手续。International students who need to leave Yang ling for summer vacation are requested to submit Written Request for Leave to CIE Office 110 before July 12,and register at CIE within 24 hours upon your arrival on campus.
3. 值班时间为上午 8:30-11:30;下午 3:00-6:00;外国留学生公寓执行 24 小时值班 CIE
Duty hours: 8:30a.m.-11:30 a.m., 3:00p.m.-6:00p.m.
The international students’ dorm office will be on duty 24 hours.
二、假期安全 Safety Issues
1. 严格履行外出请销假制度,外出杨凌须按规定履行外出请假登记手续,及时报告辅导员老师,按时返校后及时到辅导员处销假;未办理请假手续擅自离校者在离校期间若发生任何意外,均由本人负责。International students who leave Yangling are requested to submit the Written Request for Leave to CIE staff on duty. Those leaving Yangling without prior official permission shall
be responsible for any safety issues that incur during their leaving off campus.
2. 在校外国留学生及陪读家属务必遵守中国的相关法律法规和校纪校规,不得从事任何违法活动; 外出时关闭门窗和水源、电源开关。On-campus international students and their dependents shall obey China’s laws and relevant regulations as well as NWAFU’s student rules. Remember to cut off water and power supply before leaving dorms.
三、有关工作事项 Useful Tips
1. 全体外国留学生务必于 9 月 8 日前返校。联系专业学院的研究生秘书或者导师,确认选修专业课程和教材,并及时完成网上选课。网上选课仅面向学校校园网用户开放 All international students shall return to university before September 8. Contact graduate secretary of your major college or supervisor, if necessary, to confirm your major courses and textbooks needed for 2019 fall
semester, and do not miss the time for online course selection which only opens to NWAFU’s internet users, which will affect your credits earning for graduation.
2. 全体外国留学生 9 月 10 日前完成报到注册手续,因特殊原因不能按时返校报到注册请于 9 月 1 日前通过邮件办理续假手续(),否则将按照学校校纪校规处理。报到时请携带护照。All international students must finish registration form in person before September 10. Those who cannot return to the university on time are requested to submit leaving extension request by email
before  September  1. (email address: or 359611553@qq.com ) , and bring
valid passport to CIE office 110 when you register. Those who return late without CIE’s prior permission will be punished according to the university’s regulations and rules.
3. 9 月 6-10 日履行奖学金按月签到手续。未按时签到,并有下列情况者奖学金将予以缓发
或停发;The September scholarship registration is scheduled between September 6-10. Students who failed to register on time owing to personal reasons will receive their September scholarship later or will not get their September scholarship if they fall into the following cases.
1)9 月 8 日及之前按时返校,但未在规定时间完成奖学金签到,9 月奖学金将进行缓发; If you return to the university before September 8 but fail to register the scholarship on time, your September scholarship will be delayed.
2) 未能在 9 月 8 日前按时返校但已要求办理续假手续者 For those who cannot return to the university before September 8 but have got leaving extension permission :
9 月 15 日前返校注册者,将收到 1/2 的 9 月奖学金 Returning before September 15, half of the September scholarship will be received;
9 月 15 日后返校注册者, 将不会收到 9 月的奖学金 Returning to the university after September 15, no September scholarship will be received.
3) 未能在 9 月 8 日前按时返校且未办理续假手续者 For those who don’t return before September 8 and don’t get leaving extension permission:
9 月 15 日前返校注册者,将会延迟收到 9 月一半的奖学金,并将受到有关校纪校规处理 Returning before September 15, half of the September scholarship will be received in delayed way, together with punishment by NWAFU rules;
9 月 15 日后返校注册者, 将不会收到 9 月奖学金, 并将受到有关校纪校规处理Returning after September 15, September scholarship will not be received, but punishment will be received by NWAFU rules.
4. 2018 级进入专业学院的留学生在开学后须参加所在专业学院的专业教育,具体请及时联系专业学院研究生秘书或者导师 The Year 2018 international students are requested to attend the Orientation Education for new students organized by major colleges. Contact the graduate secretary of major college or supervisor for details.
5. 放假期间不办理签证延期手续,居留许可在 7 月 12 日至 9 月 1 日到期的留学生或陪读家属,请于 7 月 9 日前来办公室办理延期手续 Visa extension processing will be unavailable during summer vacation. If you or your family members’ visa is going to expire during July12 to September 1, you must proceed with visa extension before July 9.
6. 上一学年保险报销截止日期为 7 月 30 日,请需要办理报销的留学生尽快办理报销手续, 逾期不予报销。The insurance reimbursement deadline for last academic year is July 30, any excess over deadline will not be covered。
7. 从他国或地区重新入境中国后,请到公寓楼管处领取临时住宿登记表,及时报值班老师, 确保 24 小时内报送示范区公安局出入境管理处,未能及时报送的将按法律规定接受公安局处罚。After arriving in China, you must fill <the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals>within 24 hours at the front desk of our dorm, and then submit it to the teacher on duty for
sending the form online to the Entrance and Exit Bureau. If the report of <the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals> is later than 24 hours, you will be subject to the punishment of the police station.
Contact us during the vacation if you have any problems.
联系人:戴老师 Ms. Dai 13119102906 宋老师 Ms. Song 13119135656
常老师 Mr.Chang 18821676106









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