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2020年抗疫表彰暨中秋节庆祝活动通知 Notice on Awarding international Students for Covid-19 Fight Video making and Celebrating 2020 Traditional Chinese Festivals

作者:    发布日期:2020-09-28     浏览:


全体外国留学生/Dear all,

为表彰国际学生在抗击Covid-19疫情中制作视频、支持中国抗疫的爱心之举,庆祝中国传统节日一一国庆节及中秋节,我院将组织表彰暨庆祝活动。现将有关事项通知如下CIE will hold awarding event and Traditional Chinese festival celebration, with details as follows:


9月28(周一)下午5点半,5:30 pm, September 28(Monday)


国际学院南门外South gate outside CIE Office Bldg.


1.国际学院工作人员CIE staff

2.全体在校留学生On-campus international students


1.观看视频Video watching

2.颁发证书及光盘Certificate granting & CD releasing

3.发放月饼Moon cake sharing

4.合影留念Group photo

请同学们积极参加。若因故不能参加,请于9月28日上午11点前向110办公室常老师请假。Those who will not be able to attend the event shall notify Chang Laoshi (Offie 110) before deadline of 11am September28.

Come and join. Don't miss it!!

版权所有 西北农林科技大学国际学院