一、 活动主题
二、 参赛对象
三、 参赛时间:2025年2月21日-2025年11月30日
四、 作品要求
1. 作品主题鲜明,内容健康向上,感情真挚,语言流畅。
2. 体裁不限,字数控制在2000字以内。
3. 作品须为原创,且未公开发表过。
4. 作品语言可为中文或英文。
1. 作品主题突出,内容健康向上,画面清晰,构图合理。
2. 摄影作品黑白、彩色均可,单幅、组照(不超过6张)均可,格式为JPG,大小不低于3M。
3. 绘画作品形式不限,国画、油画、水彩画、素描等均可,作品尺寸不超过100cm×100cm。
4. 作品须为原创,且未公开发表过。
五、 投稿方式
1. 征文作品以Word文档形式提交,文件命名为“中文名+学号+国籍+文章标题”。
2. 绘画作品或摄影作品以压缩包形式提交,文件命名为“中文名+学号+国籍+作品名称”。
六、 评选及奖励
1. 本次比赛有相关老师对参赛作品进行评选。
2. 征文比赛和摄影绘画比赛分别设一等奖、二等奖、三等奖,一等奖会颁发获奖证书和奖品。
3. 优秀作品将推荐至校内外媒体平台刊登发表。
七、 其他事项
In order to enrich the campus cultural life, show the style of international students, and promote the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, the essay competition of "Colorful China in My Eyes" and the photography and painting competition of "Perception of China · Study in Xinong" are now held for all international students. Specific matters are notified as follows:
I. Activity theme
"Colorful China in My Eyes" Essay Competition: From the perspective of international students, you will tell what you have seen, heard, thought and felt in studying, living and traveling in China, and show the colorful development and changes of Chinese culture.
"Experience China · Study in Sinong" Photography and Painting Competition: Use the lens or brush to record the wonderful moments of your study and life in China, show the campus style, teacher-student friendship, cultural experience, etc.
II. Object of competition
All international students of Northwest A&F University
III. participation time: February 21, 2025 - November 30, 2025
IV. Requirements for works
(1) Essay competition
1. The theme of the work is clear, the content is healthy and upward, the emotion is sincere, and the language is smooth.
2. There is no limitation on the genre, and the word limit is 2000 words.
3. The work must be original and unpublished.
4. The language of the work can be Chinese or English.
(2) Photography and painting competition
1. The theme of the works is prominent, the content is healthy and upward, the picture is clear and the composition is reasonable.
2. Photography works can be black and white, color, single or group photos (no more than 6 photos), the format is JPG, the size is not less than 3M.
3. The form of painting is not limited, Chinese painting, oil painting, watercolor painting, sketch, etc., the size of the work is not more than 100cm×100cm.
4. The work must be original and unpublished.
V Submission Method
1. The essay should be submitted in Word document with the name of "Chinese name + student number + nationality + article title".
2. The painting or photography work should be submitted in the form of compressed package, and the file name should be "Chinese name + student number + nationality + work name".
3. Please send your entries to cie110@nwafu.edu.cn
VI. Selection and reward
1. Relevant teachers will evaluate the entries in this competition.
2. First prize, second prize and third prize will be awarded respectively for essay competition and photography painting competition. The first prize will be awarded a certificate and prize.
3. Excellent works will be recommended to the media platforms inside and outside the school for publication.
VII. Other matters
1. The International Academy has the right to exhibit, publish and publicize the entries;
2. The Chinese version of the notice shall prevail. The English version is for auxiliary understanding;
3.International College reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.
版权所有 西北农林科技大学国际学院